This policy document outlines the expectations of specialty registrars when progressing through training and meeting examination timings and milestone achievements.

Specialty Registrars in Public Health attainment of a CCT requires demonstration of all required elements which include DFPH (Faculty of Public Health Diplomate) Examination.  The gateway between phases 1/2 requires a full pass at DFPH examination and evidence of achievement of the learning outcomes for that phase.  A move between phases will be certified by the ARCP panel and the Training Programme Director on completion of all assessed elements of the relevant phase (confirmation of the relevant exam pass and signed evidence of satisfactory assessment of relevant learning outcomes).   

Phase 1 generally lasts two years. The first year is spent in academic study gaining a Masters in Public Health.  Specialty Registrars undertaking the Masters are expected to sit the DFPH exam in June of their first year and prepare their dissertation for submission by the end of July of that year. 

Specialty Registrars are normally expected to sit the DFPH in the June of their first year. Specialty Registrars may not defer their first sitting of this exam without dispensation from the Training Programme Director. Specialty Registrars failing the DFPH are expected to resit at the first available opportunity. 

Specialty Registrars are expected to be assessed as having completed phase 1 (a full pass at DFPH and evidence of satisfactory completion of all learning outcomes for phase 1) within two years (full-time training) of starting training.  Failure to achieve this may result in Specialty Registrars being removed from the training programme.

Specialty Registrars failing the DFPH or deferring their sitting will attend the next available annual review and may be assessed as failing to make timely progress through training.  

Specialty Registrars not meeting the requirements in this policy are unlikely to be assessed as making satisfactory progress; the annual review of competence progression (ARCP) process will take account of timely progress through milestones. 

If an NTN is removed from a Specialty Registrar this will result in their employment contract being terminated. 

Progress through training for Specialty Registrars working part time or other special personal circumstances will be on a pro-rata basis.


May 2020